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Promo shots from The Dark Knight, sequel to Batman Begins

by Parm Mann on 3 December 2007, 11:10

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Oooh, we've got a live one here!

The recent viral campaign behind The Dark Knight has had me scampering for more information on this sequel to 2005's brilliant Batman Begins.

Fortunately for me, three images have appeared on the photostream of Flickr user Uruloki. The images showcase Heath Ledger as The Joker and whilst we find it hard to believe that anybody could play a better Joker than Jack Nicholson, Mr Ledger sure does look the part! There is of course one image of the other chap in this movie too, what's his name again...Bat something?

If you haven't been keeping up with The Dark Knight, you may want to have a look through some of the cleverly marketed advertising campaign which we recently covered. Read all about it by clicking here, alternatively, scroll down for a look at The Joker of 2008.

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight

The Dark Knight has a scheduled UK release date of July 25th 2008 and it's looking very, very tasty.

HEXUS Forums :: 7 Comments

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Now that is one scary looking Joker.
Why why why have they felt the need to overcomplicate Batman's suit?!??! It was perfect for Batman begins.

The joker on the other hand looks very good. Initially I had my doubts about Heath Ledger playing the role but these photos are proving otherwise.
never be as good as jack nicholson in the original imo
Jack Nicholson was ok - but they made the mistake in that film of killing him off.
Waiting for this one big style…

Fight scenes should be awesome, as is the budget :lol: